What is ButyEnergy ?
microcapsulated 30% sodium butyrate+ 2% water-dispersible essential oil ;Inhibit Bacteria & Repair Intestine
Features and Benefits
Provide energy for intestinal cells and promote the proliferation of intestinal cells;
Improve intestinal villi and absorption function;
Repair intestinal mucosa and strengthen mechanical barrier;;
Effective prevention of colitis.
Butyenergy is a new generation of sodium butyrate preparation successfuly developed by Vega on thephysicochemical properties of sodium butyratecombined with the characteristics of synthesis technologyand preparation technology.The productnot only improves the bad tasteof sodium butyrate,but also makestheproportionof sodium butyrate closeto the proportion of feed,improves themixing uniformity and makessodiumbutyrate have higher use value.
Main ingredients:
sodium butyrate≥30%,thymol≥1.0%,cinnamaldehyde≥1.0%
Efficacy and effects:
1. Promote intestinal cell proliferation,repair intestinal mucosa improve absorption,promote feeding;
2. lmprove the digestibility and utilization rate offeed, promote animal growth and reduce the feed coefficient;
3. Improve immune function; Improve intestinal diversity,enhance antioxidant capacity
4. Improve intestinal health, prevent enteritis, promote growth ; improve the survival rate.