MoreBite (DMPT) : The Ultimate Aquatic Attractant and Growth Promoter
Features and Benefits
1.Attractant Effect
2.High-Efficiency Methyl Donor and Growth Promoter
3.Stress Resistance and Osmoregulation
4.Molting Hormone-Like Activity
5.Liver Protection
6.Meat Quality Improvement
7.Antibacterial Properties
MoreBite(DMPT) is a highly effective, next-generation aquatic attractant. It's described as so effective that fish will attempt to bite stones coated with MoreBite. The primary use of It is as a fishing bait additive to enhance bait palatability and increase the likelihood of fish biting.
Product Characteristics:
1.MoreBite is a naturally occurring sulfur compound and a new type of aquatic attractant, with an attractant effect 2.56 times that of betaine, 1.42 times that of methylmethionine, and 1.56 times that of glutamine.、
2.It promotes growth at a rate 2.5 times higher than semi-natural feed without attractants.
3.DMPT can improve the meat quality of cultured species, giving freshwater species a marine flavor and increasing their economic value.
4.It acts as a molting hormone for shrimp and crabs, significantly accelerating their molting process.
5.MoreBite allows for greater utilization of relatively low-cost protein sources compared to fishmeal.
Usage and Residue Issues:
Applicable Species
Freshwater Fish: Carp, crucian carp, eel, loach, rainbow trout, tilapia, etc.
Marine Fish: Large yellow croaker, red sea bream, turbot, etc.
Crustaceans: Shrimp, crabs, etc.
Aquatic Feed: Shrimp: 300-400 g/ton; Fish: 100-200 g/ton.
Fishing Bait: 0.5-1 g, especially effective in spring, summer, and autumn when water temperatures are higher and oxygen levels are low.